UK Innovator Founder Visa

UK Innovator Founder Visa​ 🇬🇧

What is Innovator Founder Visa?

The UK Innovator Founder Visa is an opportunity for forward-thinking entrepreneurs to shape innovation in the UK. Tailored for those with groundbreaking ideas, this program invites founders to establish and scale their ventures, contributing to the dynamic world of UK innovation. It’s an invitation for trailblazers to nurture ideas, collaborate with like-minded visionaries, and propel their businesses to new heights.

Benefits of Innovator Founder Visa Program

Settlement Pathway

The program serves as a pathway to permanent residency, providing long-term stability for founders and their families.

Global Networking

Entrepreneurs can network and collaborate with like-minded individuals, gaining exposure to new ideas, partnerships, and resources within the community.

Business Scaling

The program provides founders with the platform to establish and scale their ventures in the UK, tapping into a diverse market.

Economic Prosperity

Contributing to the UK economy, businesses play a pivotal role in driving innovation and supporting economic growth.

Business Flexibility

Entrepreneurs under this visa program have the flexibility to manage and run their businesses autonomously, allowing them to implement their unique vision and strategies.

Global Standing

Successful applicants enjoy the opportunity to showcase their innovative ventures on a global stage, enhancing the visibility and reputation of their businesses.

UK Innovator Founder Visa Program Eligibility

Innovative Business

Applicants must present a genuinely innovative business idea or concept that demonstrates potential for success and contributes to the advancement of their industry.


To qualify, entrepreneurs need endorsement from an approved endorsing body in the UK. These organizations assess the viability, innovation, and scalability of the proposed business venture.

Financial Investment​

Applicant need to detail their financial investment in the innovative project, showcasing a genuine commitment to the UK market.​

Business Experience

Applicants are typically required to have a track record of relevant business experience, showcasing their capability to successfully run and develop a business.

Financial Viability

Entrepreneurs must demonstrate the financial viability of their proposed business, providing evidence of adequate funding to support the initial establishment and ongoing operations.

Maintenance Funds

Entrepreneurs must have sufficient funds to cover their living costs upon arrival in the UK. The amount required may vary based on individual circumstances and is subject to periodic review.

Your 8 Step Process to Success


Craft Your Vision

Begin by formulating a genuinely innovative business concept that aligns with the goals of the UK Innovator Founder Visa Program.


Pre Approval

Approach an approved endorsing body in the UK that aligns with your business sector. Present your business concept to obtain their pre approval.


Language Skills

Showcase your proficiency in English through standard language tests.


Prepare Documents

Gather all necessary documentation, including a detailed business plan, financial forecasts, evidence of relevant business experience.


Secure Support

Secure a letter of support from a recognized Canadian venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator.


Submit Application

Fill out the visa application form, providing accurate and detailed information about yourself, your business, and your endorsement.


Due Diligence

The application is thoroughly reviewed and multiple Due Diligence checks are completed for Individual & Concept.


Get Approval

Upon approval, you will receive a visa vignette in your passport. Travel to the UK and  collect your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) to complete the immigration process.

Let’s discuss the details

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Frequently Asked Questions

The UK Innovator Visa is designed for experienced entrepreneurs who wish to establish a business in the UK. Eligible applicants must have an innovative, scalable business idea endorsed by an approved endorsing body.

To qualify, applicants must secure an endorsement from an approved endorsing body, demonstrate a viable business plan, show access to at least £50,000 in investment funds, and meet the English language requirement.

The UK Innovator Visa welcomes a wide range of innovative business ideas, including technology startups, social enterprises, creative industries, healthcare innovations, and more.

Applicants must first present their business idea to an approved endorsing body in the UK. If the idea is deemed innovative, viable, and scalable, the endorsing body may issue an endorsement letter.

Yes, applicants can bring their spouse or partner, as well as children under the age of 18, to the UK as dependents on the Innovator Visa. They will be eligible to live, work, and study in the UK.

Yes, applicants must have access to at least £30,000 –  £50,000 in investment funds (based on business) to establish and operate their business in the UK. These funds can come from various sources, including personal savings, investments, or third-party investors.

Innovator Visa holders must actively work on their business venture and remain engaged with their endorsing body. They are also required to reside primarily in the UK and not engage in prohibited activities, such as accessing public funds.

Yes, meeting the conditions, an applicant can change it’s visa status from Innovator to Permanent Residency.

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